Pachamama is an evocative, ancient, original, bizarre name (for Europeans). For us it means a return to the origins; in the Quechua language Pachamama or Pacha Mama is the personification of Mother Nature, venerated by the Andean communities of South America. It is a symbol that belongs to an ancient world, in which celebrating the sacredness of life meant respecting nature and every living creature.
We chose this name as a tribute to the wonders of Mother Nature, but at the same time it is based on a word pun that is really important to us: MaMa quotes the initials of our names, Marco and Mary. Therefore you understand why MaMa’s: the blog will contain everything that belongs to us, our adventures, our projects, our emotions, but also everything that concerns Nature, its protection and conservation, as well as the respect for the all faraway cultures .
We want to bring these values into our travel dimension discovering the world in a conscious way, meeting people that aims to carry forward sustainable tourism projects in their countries of origin.